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Hypoglycemia: (Low Blood Sugar)

This is a disorder of the central nervous system and is a direct response to the lack of adequate food. "Dehydration" comes from lack of water. Hypoglycemia can occur without warning when a puppy goes to a new home, misses a meal, or doesn't eat full meals, becomes chilled, overtired, or exhausted from to much handling or playing. It occurs mostly in toy breeds, but it can also occur in the larger breeds as well. Signs to look for are depression, weakness, being wobbly or jerky, the head appears to be tilted to either the left or right side, the neck appears stiff and in a locked position, the body may soon appear the same way, and the teeth may be clamped tightly together. Convulsions, seizures, or coma which can result in death!


Once a puppy’s sugar drops you must act fast! The blood levels of glucose must be restored IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT HESITATE; YOUR PUPPY'S LIFE IS AT RISK. Treatment by oral administration of certain glucose containing electrolyte fluids is very important. I use Nutri-Cal, it gives quick results and gets into the bloodstream within seconds with a 99% utilization rate. When given, the usual dose is about 1/4cc per OUNCE of body weight. If you don't have that on hand, you may mix honey or white Karo syrup with water and place on the puppies tongue with a dropper or just place some on your finger and rub on the puppies gums. Do not put excessive amounts in the puppy's mouth, as the puppy can choke. If the puppy does not improve within (10) ten minutes, contact your vet immediately!!! This is NOT something that can wait until the vet opens the following morning! I always recommend if you ever have any concerns, questions or worries don't hesitate to call your vet even if the puppy is doing better. Once a puppy's sugar drops, it is much more likely for him to have another episode. It can take weeks to build back up afterwards. Make sure you baby is eating and drinking OFTEN. Boil chicken and tear into bits if he won't eat anything else!


Champion Lines Vs Genetics

Some people might get champion lined mixed up with genetic testing. There is a big difference. When a dog has champion lines, it means their ancestors have been in the show ring and won. When a dog is in the show ring they are ONLY looking for confirmation NOT HEALTH. NO purebred registry (not even akc) requires you to do genetic testing on your adults. When someone is showing a dog the dog must be up to the standard for the breed, that is size, weight, looks and watching their gait and nothing more. This has nothing to do with any health issues they may have or that they may carry. There are MANY breeders that say I have champion lines so my dogs are healthy, this is not true. The only way you can make sure your dogs have no issues is to do the testing on them. Conformation is no doubt important to maintain the look of the breed it is supposed to be it should not be confused with the health genetics behind a dog.

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